David Robson poetry books (release)

Today we have introduced a new category into our store to enjoy, commemorate and celebrate the creative side of David Robson.

Here are David’s four works:

David Robson Poetry Books (ATC STORE)


A complete book of poetry by David Robson
Size: A5
Page count: 208 pages

Serious, silly, deep, optimistic and sometimes sad.

Fanny? Yes. Funny? Yes… but not for the faint hearted!
An abundance of tongue in cheek, or perhaps tongue in cheeks? You decide.

Disclaimer: May include bodily fluids.


A complete book of poetry by David Robson
Size: A5
Page count: 212 pages

A book of wisdom.
A book of life.
A book of truths,
A book of fantasy,
A book of love…
and surprise on every page.

Serious or saucy? Definitely both.


A book of art by David Robson

Size: A5
Page count: 64 pages

Watercolour and charcoal paintings of David’s favourite subjects: flora, fauna, love, aircraft, war and a little nudity.
Or simply put, frogs, flight and fannies.


A book of war poems and photos by David Robson
Size: A5
Page count: 77 pages

A moving collection of recollection.
David’s time in the war… in retrospect.
Opinions, odes and other oddities.